Summer Crush Week
WOD 2 / 2.1
2 minute as many climbs as possible – Rope Climbs
3 rounds for time:
6 hand stand push ups
12 kettlebell ground to over heads 24kg/16kg
18 wall ball 20#/14# to 10′
Iron Legion Strength + Combat | Join a Team Led by the Best | Offering Jiu-Jitsu
We are far from your standard gym. We breathe grit. We dive deep into our approach to fitness. Join a Team Led by the Best
Summer Crush Week
WOD 2 / 2.1
2 minute as many climbs as possible – Rope Climbs
3 rounds for time:
6 hand stand push ups
12 kettlebell ground to over heads 24kg/16kg
18 wall ball 20#/14# to 10′