We are expanding!! As many of you know we are tripling in size this year. New space has been acquired next door and the mats are already delivered! Bear with us – we know its getting tight, but we should be in our new Den the first week of February at the latest. CFIL is all about the local community – we will be utilizing all local business to support our expansion.

As a teaser here is a sneak peak of the Rig we are building local here in Ocala at Zeak Technique (www.zeaktechnique.com).  This thing is AWESOME and well underway. Behold – I give you a sneak peak at “The Lycan Spine”!! 34′ of rig with 8 squat stations, various pull up and bar muscle up stations and soon to include the “ribs” for the funnest WODS to hit Central Florida!!

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Remember – help us out by use the overflow parking areas and get a free Kill Cliff during the month of January! All overflow areas are shorter than a 200m distance.