Main – WOD


Heaving Snatch Balance (5×3 )


*The BB hold should start and finish in a squat rack. The Back Squats should be performed after the BB hold WITHOUT putting the bar down. Basically, the BB hold, Back Squats, and second BB hold should all be performed unbroken each round.

Metcon (Time)

30 Second Barbell Hold on Back 225/145#
7 Back Squats 225/145#
30 Second Barbell Hold on Back 225/145#
12 Bar Muscle-ups
60 Second Barbell Hold on Back 225/145#
9 Back Squats 225/145#
60 Second Barbell Hold on Back 225/145#
9 Bar Muscle-ups
90 Second Barbell Hold on Back 225/145#
7 Back Squats 225/145#
90 Second Barbell Hold on Back 225/145#
12 Bar Muscle-ups