CrossFit Iron Legion – WOD

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

As Teams of 2:

8 Min AMRAP:

Teammate 1 Rows for Calories (20 for men, 16 for women)

Teammate 2 does max reps overhead walking lunges with a plate (45#/25#) until #1 completes their row–then switch


Rest 4 Minutes


8 Min AMRAP:

Max Reps Squat cleans 135#/95#

(alternate work as you choose, one working at a time)


Rest 4 Minutes


8 Min AMRAP:

Teammate 1–15 Push Ups

Teammate 2–2 Rope Climbs (4 up/downs)

(work at the same time, switch exercises when both have completed their reps)