Warning!!!!!!!! I fear that many of you will fall off of the fitness wagon during this storm recovery. Some of you are still dealing with it, Stacey. Despite still being out of power and managing her horse farm, she is still getting into the gym. I love that kind of Motivation and it is pretty typical of her work ethics. For the rest of you I want you to commit to a day and get in here. Better yet, get your asses in here today!!!! This break in routine is a dangerous thing when trying to stay fit. As the big Kahuna Ted Dreaver, stated yesterday in the coaches meeting, we need to get the message out there to all of you. As coached we totally dedicate ourselves to your fitness lif, many of us work off of the clock because you all mean so much to us, BUT, we need you to commit to yourselves otherwise it doesn’t work. THAT IS THE DEAL, let’s get er’ done together.