
Skill Practice:
EMOM 18:
A) 4-8 Strict Handstand Push
B) 6-12 Box Jumps
C 4-8 Strict Ring Dips


Squat Snatch Waves:
Every :90 x 9
Perform 3 Squat Snatches – Fast singles only, starting at 85/55, and ascending in no more than 15lbs in total each round. The focus would be to build to an at RPE 9 set of 3


In a 13min Window Complete:
30 Chest to Bar
90 Double Unders
30 Alt DB. Snatches (50/35)
90 Double Unders (20/14lbs to 10/9’)
**Max Wall Balls in remaining time


For Total Time:
4x800m Run, Rest 2min between efforts


For Time:
50 Deadlifts (135/95)
40 SA DB Clean and Jerk, Switch sides every 5 (50/35)
30 Bar facing Burpees (24/20)
200’ SA Overhead Walking Lunge (50/35)