Iron Legion’s mission is to make our members the strongest most capable humans around.

We believe that being confident, independent and self sufficient are skills that can be learned while pursuing any of our unique selection of strength programs.

That said – Iron Legion Strength and Combat is not a Jiu Jitsu Academy. Nor is it a CrossFit Affiliate or a Powerlifting Federation.

We respect those and many strength based modalities, we learned from them and then enhance them to fit our model of Forging Better Humans.

For example:

Our Jiu Jitsu style is enhanced-“street” style Jiu Jitsu. Meaning – we will train every advantage we have. These enhancements may just give you or your child an edge when they need it.

If that advantage is teaching how to use a strike while an opponent is attempting to engage – we will train that scenario.

If you are looking for a babysitter martial arts program or a cookie cutter group fitness class – there are plenty in the area.

Not here.

Our focus is to prepare you to be able to survive whether you are in a street fight or being bullied.

We want you strong. Prepared.

Our style of Strength and Conditioning training is also unique to the real world. We’ve traded high level gymnastics for real world functional movement.

We’ve eliminated complexity and added basic, raw brutality to our strength and conditioning floor.

The results have been astounding.

Membership is soaring and our members have never looked or felt better.

I am the Coach and the Owner here – and I will always be evolving our programs if I believe that it will give our members the strength and confidence they need to be successful in their day to day life.

Our edges will remain unapologetically sharp, our programs will continue to grow and our members will benefit.

Most folks are taught to hate change – I’ll do my best to make sure those folks are always miserable here.

Change is good. Uncomfortable is good. Change is growth – and growth is exactly what each of us need.

Strap in. 2025 is going to be lit.

Handgun Fundamentals Thursday at 6pm.

See you in the gym.

Yours in Strength and Confidence,

Coach Ted