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5 ways

The “New” Normal. It’s a catch phrase that started going around late April of this year. It’s in reference to some of the new recommendations and in some instances requirements when it comes to living in 2020.

Some of the new normal is – well, actually what most of us should be doing anyway. Washing your hands, using hand sanitizer, keeping a respectful distance, and staying away from others when we are sick.

Others are “uncomfortable” and a change from our regular day to day. Homeschooling kids, wearing masks, shortened business hours, closed businesses, and more – can cause frustration and a lack of patience in a lot of us.

Will it ever end? Thats a topic for another blog…

This entire “new normal” phase of 2020 is wrapped around a virus. A virus that doesn’t appear to have a very negative impact on the majority of our healthy population. 

The healthiest of us seem to shrug it off like a cold.

The immune compromised and the unhealthy stand the biggest challenges when facing this virus.

It stands to reason that a healthy immune system is a huge benefit to anyone in a situation like this. Many folks decided long before this virus to live healthy active lifestyles and their risk during this time is quite low.

Some folks however – have had their eyes opened by the spread of this virus. Their lives before the virus hit may have been less than healthy. And let’s face it:  Life can consume us pretty quick if we don’t make active decisions to prioritize our health. Overworked parents, super stressful jobs, poor eating habits, lack of proper rest, little to no physical activity – leaving many people very vulnerable during this time.

Maybe this is you. Maybe you’ve wished you made better choices before this virus hit. 

Take a deep breath. I have great news – you too can have a healthy, strong immune system! It’s not too late! I want to help.


But I caution you – my suggestions are not products or pills. My suggestion is also not to just slap on a mask and hope someone fixes the problem so you can go back to being a danger to yourself and others.

Nope, I’m suggesting 5 ways – 5 Radical Ways – to Live in the New Normal.


How does one strengthen their immune systems? I’m not a scientist, but I’ve been around a lot of healthy people in my life. Here’s what I’ve learned:

  1. Start eating like an adult. No fad diets, no shake programs, no sodas. Stop skipping meals. Dump the fried food.

 Food was never meant to be difficult. People make it difficult to make a buck. 

Stick with lean meats, naturally occurring fats and green leafy vegetables. 

Or – just google: “Whole Food Nutrition”. 

If you need help from there shoot me an email. Put the diet coke down. 

2. Go outside. Get some sun. Walk around your neighborhood or take a walk outside while you are at work. 

If you can be alone with your thoughts – do that. If you’d rather involve your family or friends – do that, but get some time outside – in the sun and fresh air, everyday.

3. Drink enough water for you. Water is key first thing in the morning – your brain needs it, your muscles need it. 

Water is also important for flushing out the negative effects of your old life before the new normal began. 

Homework: google: “how much water should I drink for my gender, weight and activity level”. Then get a container and make it happen. Every day. 

Put all the diet cokes in the trash.

4. Rest – you’ve got to get 6-8 hours of rest per day. Rest meaning sleep.  I can’t emphasize this enough. Your body cannot heal itself or fight off anything unless you are well rested.

5. Exercise – find something you enjoy. Don’t just jump on a quick gym membership because it’s “cheap” or “close”. 

You should be looking forward to your workouts and training everyday. If your workouts are drudgery it’s time to change it up. 

There are so many things out there to help us stay active. Find a program that intrigues you – maybe one that makes you nervous and sounds like a challenge. 

Step outside of your comfort zone and go for it. It’s the New Normal after all!

And there you have it. 5 Radical Ways to live in the New Normal! Any one of these done with consistency will help. I’m asking that you do ALL 5 with consistency and make them a part of your New Normal – forever. 

Let’s make the New Normal exactly what it should be. An opportunity to make a few changes that could very well save your life. 

“New” means – well, new. As in – not the same as before – a drastic change in your lifestyle.

What do you have to lose? 

If you need help or guidance on any of these, I’m here to help. Hit me back and I’ll help you get where you want to go.

Coach Ted


