Iron Legion SC
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crossfit in ocala

Warning!!!!!!!! I fear that many of you will fall off of the fitness wagon during this storm recovery. Some of you are still dealing with it, Stacey. Despite still being out of power and managing her horse farm, she is still getting into the gym. I love that kind of Motivation and it is pretty typical of her work ethics. For the rest of you I want you to commit to a day and get in here. Better yet, get your asses in here today!!!! This break in routine is a dangerous thing when trying to stay fit. As the big Kahuna Ted Dreaver, stated yesterday in the coaches meeting, we need to get the message out there to all of you. As coached we totally dedicate ourselves to your fitness lif, many of us work off of the clock because you all mean so much to us, BUT, we need you to commit to yourselves otherwise it doesn’t work. THAT IS THE DEAL, let’s get er’ done together.

Brain, shut the hell up!

It is so easy to convince yourself that you NEED to quit.  That it is too hard.  That you are tired.  That you can make it up tomorrow.  That you just aren’t as good as they are.  

Mentally self-imposed limits are as real as they come.   For every individual, they’re different but they’re no less real.  This week I want to talk about these limits and how to push past them (something I’m still working on myself).

For every individual, mentally self-imposed limits are different.  If you’ve been a lifelong athlete or been trained by the military, chances are your mentally self-imposed limits are different from those of the “average joe”.  You’ve spent years developing your mental strength and you have learned to meet barriers set by your brain and then push through them.

For many of us though, CrossFit is the first “sport” we’ve played in a long time and being competitive in this field is a first.   I know for me, growing up as a gymnast and then cheerleader, there were fears I had to push past when tumbling passes were challenging or when I split the beam (ouch).  However, those self-imposed fears are nothing compared to the barriers I face with CrossFit.

You see, in CrossFit, more times than not I’m fighting a battle against myself.  Sure, there are other people doing my same workout, and I would like to do better than them, but more than that, it’s my own brain that is limiting me.  

I can’t tell you how many times during a workout I’ve told myself “you’re tired”, “rest before you hurt yourself”, “you can’t do that weight”, “she’s already ahead of you so what’s the point”, etc.

It has taken me years to learn to tell myself to SHUT THE HELL UP.  To speak words of affirmation when I’m working out.  To tell myself “I can hit this lift”.  I’ve had to work hard on being my own cheerleader.  It really is so much easier to talk negatively to yourself than to speak positively. And that’s a damn shame really.

Why is it so hard?  Well, I first blame society.  Especially as a women, we are always trying to live up to a standard that seems to be unachievable.  Secondly though, I blame myself.  Personal development takes time and effort, both of which can be hard to find.  I’m as guilty as the next.  I have to set aside time to practice positive self-talk, or it just doesn’t happen.  

So, my advice to you.  First, learn to believe in yourself.  Secondly, take some time to tell yourself positive affirmations.  Write them on your mirror in the bathroom.  Before a heavy lift, say “I can do this”.  Visualize yourself being successful at what you want to accomplish.

And always remember this – thoughts will ALWAYS become things.  

January is the time for new year’s resolution, but a resolution without a plan is just a good idea. CrossFit Iron Legion is teaming up with Lurong Living once again for the Resolution Challenge! The Resolution Challenge provides what you need to not only make healthy new year’s resolutions, but it gives you the community, accountability, structure, motivation, competitive atmosphere, and education you need to making your resolutions become your reality.
Real change starts here at Iron Legion.
The Challenge allows for individuals to compete simultaneously as an individual and for Team CrossFit Iron Legion. This 5 week Challenge tracks your diet, progress in achieving your New Year’s Resolutions, body composition, weight, personal goals, workout performance, and improvements. Whether your resolution is to lose a few lbs. from the holidays, improve your diet, or prepare for the Open, the Resolution Challenge is built for you.
Registration is open now and the challenge starts in January!
Here is a great overview of the challenge:


Downtown Ocala has been invaded!


Iron Legion has relocated to our new location!!


We are in our new spot and loving it!! Construction is finished, the paint is dry and the dust has settled. We are now located just off the Square in downtown Ocala! We are walking distance from restaurants, coffee shops and pubs. The lights for Light Up Ocala are up and we are right in the middle of it!


We have added a few things to make your life and schedule easier! First off – the showers are complete and ready for you! Yes, showers – get that WOD in and rinse off before you head out to work or walk downtown for a night out.


Kids Care is available at the 4pm and 5pm classes. $4 per head 6 months up to 12 years old (unlimited visits passes can also be bought for a discount). Let us know if you need different times and we will accommodate.


The CrossFit Kids program is back on the schedule. Check out these awesome additions to our CrossFit classes:


The CrossFit Experience:
A two week program designed specifically with the novice beginner in mind. This class will give anyone the answer to what exactly is CrossFit and is it for me?


CrossFit Lite
CrossFit Lite utilizes all of the functional movements of CrossFit with less complexity and little to no weight. These classes are challenging and fun with more emphasis on cardio and high intensity body movements.


Crossfit Endurance
This is the TRUE cardio class. No weights. Only your body. Taught by our CFEndurance certified Coach and long time Endurance athlete Steve Wingo this class is designed to enhance your endurance and stamina. Is your desire a faster Fran time or a faster 5K or marathon time? You are in the right place. This class utilizes running, rowing, cycling and cardio conditioning to get you to your fitness goals faster!


PIYOFit combines Pilates, Yoga and High Intensity Interval Training targeted at increasing your mobility and flexibility set at a pace that gives a great workout at the same time!


SeniorFit is a functional movement based class designed specifically for Seniors or those rehabilitating back from an injury. The class will be designed and ran by our own staff member Physical Therapist Kelli Davis, DPT. Kelli has her Geriatric Specialist Certification (GCS) and she is also a Certified Exercise Expert of the Aging Adult (CEEAA through APTA). Kelli has programs designed specifically with Seniors in mind that are engaging, energizing, safe and fun. All those who are interested in the classes will receive an introductory Physical Therapy assessment to allow for specific programming for all participants.


LunchFit is designed with your lunch break in mind! Warm up, work out with our high intensity work out of the day. These are set to start every 30 minutes beginning at 11:30. Grab a shower and be back at work ready to take on the rest of the afternoon!


Olympic Weightlifting / Barbell Club
Our Olympic Weightlifting classes are designed to teach you how to move efficiently under a barbell. These classes dig in and focus on the techniques of lifting. Our coaches have been USAW certified and competed (and podiumed) in various Olympic weightlifting events.


RuckFit is designed and coached by members of the 3-20th Special Forces Group. Expect equipment training, military style physical training and lots of rucking – or marching and strength and conditioning while under load. This class emphasizes teamwork and comradery as you learn how to train as a Team.


Team Training
Give your Sports Team the edge it needs in competition. Our coaches will meet with you to custom design programs to enhance your Team’s athletic ability. Baseball, volleyball, swimming, football – you name it we can give your Team the edge it needs!


Corporate Training
Let us help you get those insurance premiums down by giving your employees a healthier lifestyle with our Corporate programs. We would love to have you here, but we can come to you if your employees are crunched for time! Healthy employees are better employees!


Personal Training
Personal one on one training designed and customized for you. Our coaches will take the time create a personal training regimen specifically targeted at achieving your goals – whatever they may be.


Check the schedule on our website for class start times. Holiday hours for Thanksgiving are also updated.


We are open downtown and ready for you! Come and be a part of an awesome community that holds themselves to a higher standard! We will see you at the gym!


Lift Heavy, Go Fast, and Take Risks!!