Five Radical Ways to Live in the “New Normal”

The “New” Normal. It’s a catch phrase that started going around late April of this year. It’s in reference to some of the new recommendations and in some instances requirements when it comes to living in 2020. Some of the new normal is – well, actually what most of us should be doing anyway. Washing […]

Effects of sugar on your body

What is Sugar? Sugar is an ingredient found in most foods we eat.  It occurs naturally in many foods, like fruits, milk, vegetables, and whole grains.  Sugar can also be added to food and this is why we tend consume too much sugar each day.  It is recommended that women only consume 6 grams of […]

We do we actually need to work on fitness?

We do we need to actually work on fitness? Our parents never needed to and they were healthy. Lifestyles are different. * Our parents actually did allot more physical labor throughout the day, whereas, we are becoming so automated. * In the morning they would take the time to cook breakfast from scratch, cut potatoes, […]