Irma’s Aftermath, The Underlying Fitness Damages

Warning!!!!!!!! I fear that many of you will fall off of the fitness wagon during this storm recovery. Some of you are still dealing with it, Stacey. Despite still being out of power and managing her horse farm, she is still getting into the gym. I love that kind of Motivation and it is pretty […]
Training The Same Ol’

I would say one of the most profound training statements that have stuck with me the longest is, “if you are comfortable while training, you are wasting your time.” What exactly does that mean? It means that if you are just doing ten pull ups in multiple sets, you are wasting your time. If you […]
The Mental Game

Brain, shut the hell up! It is so easy to convince yourself that you NEED to quit. That it is too hard. That you are tired. That you can make it up tomorrow. That you just aren’t as good as they are. Mentally self-imposed limits are as real as they come. For every individual, […]