Iron Legion SC
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Iron Legion Kids

The art and discipline of Jiu-Jitsu, Strength + Conditioning & Wrestling.

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Iron Legion isn’t just for fully forged adults. At Iron Legion, we are a family, and we believe that establishing a healthy focus on health, fitness, and wellness from an early age is integral to having a healthy relationship with your body as you move into adulthood.

Give your child an edge on their education, in life, and in sports by introducing them to the art and discipline of Jiu Jitsu, Strength + Conditioning & Wrestling. Ask us about our Iron Legion Avengers Kids program!

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Jiu Jitsu

What is the Iron Legion
Avengers Kids Program?

Official definition? Our Strength + Conditioning program is a fitness regimen that involves constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity. It is a lifestyle characterized by safe, effective exercise for all age groups, with an emphasis on clean nutrition.

What is Iron Legion Kids? Just like in our adult programs, our Youth Strength + Conditioning programs are specifically created to develop your GPP, or General Physical Preparedness. This means we focus on your overall state by not isolating body parts in our Strength + Conditioning program. We utilize your entire body from head to toe. Educating our youth on how to safely and effectively use their bodies to achieve physical and mental results is the first step in forging better humans.

What about Jiu-Jitsu?
We safely use unique combinations of weightlifting, strongman, wrestling, self-defense, jiu-jitsu, cardio, and gymnastics to build strength, enhance cardio, and create unstoppable endurance.

The Tenets of Youth Strength + Conditioning and Jiu Jitsu

  • Endurance
  • Stamina
  • Strength
  • Flexibility
  • Power
  • Speed
  • Concentration
  • Agility
  • Balance
  • Accuracy


Boosts Strength
Increases Coachability
Builds Muscle
Teaches Discipline
Strengthens Community
Increases Confidence
Builds Stamina
Bully Deterrent


Ted Dreaver

Ted Dreaver, fitness aficionado and founder of Iron Legion, is a natural-born leader who has always prioritized overall health and wellness. He lived a life on the road as a kid and trained in the gym when he could. The globo-gym space always bothered him. It was sterile, faceless, impersonal, and completely devoid of social connection. There was no real push to get better. This drive for personal connection and community, paired with his passion for teaching others, led to the Iron Legion that exists today.

“Our fitness philosophy in and of itself for us is a fitness program that rejects the status quo, we’re not big on the globo-gym style where you don’t know anyone. You are never left on your own”.

Kaitie Neratka

The goal for our kids should be to help unfold the people they are meant to become, while molding them into people that will be our protectors, good and strong leaders, and positive, unstoppable forces that the world desperately needs. I truly believe the sooner we get kids into a positive environment of activity, specifically our kids classes here at Iron Legion, the better opportunity they have as adults. Aside from learning healthy ways to be active and live a healthy and balanced life, they are exposed to structure, discipline, integrity, sportsmanship, communication, support, humility, healthy vulnerability paired with finding the strength within to push beyond what their minds tell them.


“They call it coaching but it’s teaching. You dont just tell tell them- you show them the reasons.” -Vince Lombardi

What Youth Strength + Conditioning Programs Are Available?

Iron Legion offers an array of trainers based on fitness and experience levels. Take the first step and enroll your kid in training today.


Why Train with Iron Legion?

At Iron Legion, you aren’t just one of many. We forge fierce and disciplined fighters. We work with every individual to help them reach their potential and leave the forge better than when they come to us. Our programs are tailored to the individual to optimize the mind, strengthen the immune system, and build a stronger body.

“Iron Legion takes great pride in the ability to work with people at any age or level of fitness. Whether it’s your first day in the gym or you’re an advanced competition athlete, we have a team that can support and optimize you to be your best.”

Contact Iron Legion

Want your child to feel like a confident, certified badass? We’ll be waiting.