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A quick trip to the grocery store is such an eye opener these days. If you bother to look. Really look. Distraction is rampant. Weakness reigns. Eye contact and conversation is all but a thing of the past. Division consumes peoples thoughts. Everyone scurrying around getting what they need with complete disregard […]
Let’s face it – vehicles are now just extensions of our bodies. They allow us to live and work in two different places and give us the ability to get places quicker. Now more than ever they are pretty much a requirement of day to day life. Commuting to work, grocery stores for food, […]
Written by Ted Dreaver Training The Perishable Skill Set Common questions: “Hey Coach – what weight should I use for this workout?’ or “Front headlock choke – arm in or out?” or “What pacing strategy should I be using for today’s WOD?” or “Ten finger grip […]
By Kaitie Neratka What happens next? Is this a question you think about after you achieve your goal? Whether it be weight loss, muscle gain, joined the 300# club, ran the marathon etc. I mean the goal was met, you achieved what you wanted. So no need to keep being mindful of what you […]
Iron Legion Strength and Combat puts a ton of emphasis on training our members to be Generally Physically Prepared. Some of you may have heard the acronym GPP – that’s what we do here. There should be no physical challenge that our members cannot face – our systems and programs are created to enhance […]
By Paul Winter I’ve got a tattoo around my right wrist. A quote from an old mentor of mine, it reads: “I shape my own life.” This simple statement of affirmation has led me through many situations and scenarios where otherwise I might have stumbled and fallen into a victim mindset – looking for […]
By Paul Winter It doesn’t matter if you’re coming to Iron Legion to train weightlifting or Jiu Jitsu. It doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman, young or old, in peak health or broken down and scarred up. We don’t care how you feel about what’s on the news today, or your boss, […]
By Isabelle Reynolds You had a baby. Now what? You have to do everything, but at the same time, can’t do much of anything. There is so much information about what to expect with the baby, but what about you? Postpartum is a season of uncertainty. You have a new baby and a […]
By Paul Winter Most of you have probably seen the 1982 John Milius film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, “Conan the Barbarian.” If you haven’t, I suggest the following course of action: whatever it is you’re doing right now, which I can assume is reading this article on a computer or smartphone, stop. Throw your smartphone […]
By Paul Winter When I was a kid, my mom always repeated the phrase, “garbage in, garbage out.” What she meant by this was pretty simple – whatever you put into your brain or body was what you could expect the output to be in return. Spend all your time binging series’ on Netflix while […]
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Watch Shelby’s Video Here” font_size=”32″ font_family=”” text_align_mobile=”center” font_weight=”700″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]At Iron Legion Strength and Combat, we believe in the transformative power .....
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