Iron Legion Strength + Combat | Join a Team Led by the Best | Offering Jiu-Jitsu
We are far from your standard gym. We breathe grit. We dive deep into our approach to fitness. Join a Team Led by the Best
Take the first step towards a stronger, healthier you with a free first class at Iron Legion! Our expert coaches are here to guide you, no matter your fitness level.
Official definition? Our Strength + Conditioning program is a fitness regimen that involves constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity. It is a lifestyle characterized by safe, effective exercise for all age groups, with an emphasis on clean nutrition.
What is Strength + Conditioning at Iron Legion? Our Strength + Conditioning programs are specifically created to develop your GPP. GPP is General Physical Preparedness. This means that we focus on your overall state. We do not isolate body parts in our Strength + Conditioning program. We will be utilizing your entire body from head to toe.
We use unique combinations of weightlifting, strongman, cardio, and gymnastics to build your strength, enhance your cardio, and create unstoppable endurance. The result? GPP. The secondary result? Aesthetic differences you can be proud of and an ironclad confidence that you can take on anything.
Our CrossFit instructors have been collectively studying and perfecting their Strength + Conditioning practices and techniques for decades. The ethos and methodology of Iron Legion are to train members of the clan to master physical training techniques and to forge better humans.
Ted Dreaver, fitness aficionado and founder of Iron Legion, is a natural-born leader who has always prioritized overall health and wellness. He lived a life on the road as a kid and trained in the gym when he could. The globo-gym space always bothered him. It was sterile, faceless, impersonal, and completely devoid of social connection. There was no real push to get better. This drive for personal connection and community, paired with his passion for teaching others, led to the Iron Legion that exists today.
“Our Strength + Conditioning philosophy in and of itself for us is a fitness program that rejects the status quo, we’re not big on the globo-gym style where you don’t know anyone. You are never left on your own”.
Life is a beautiful gift that is so easily opened and pushed to the side because we become so busy trying to get ahead, or keep up, or for many just stay afloat. It becomes easy to feel complacent, to go through the motions, or just to survive. But as humans we were not made to be stuck in one place, we thrive on progress, overcoming obstacles, and learning and growing. Your job, your home, your dreams may have become stagnant or basic or average (whether a season or has become the new normal) but your ability to move well and fuel your body and mind can be the place that you become unstoppable, where you grow physically and mentally, where you find that opportunity to be above average for the first time or once again. When you walk through our doors at Iron Legion, for that 1 hour a day, leaving nothing left is on you. But as your coaches, it’s our job to guide and ensure you do that.
“The coach is someone who gets you to do what you don’t want to do, so you can be who you want to be.” -Tom Landry
Iron Legion in Downtown Ocala offers Strength + Conditioning training for all fitness levels. We offer the following workout classes:
At Iron Legion, you aren’t just one of many. We forge fierce and disciplined fighters. We work with every individual to help them reach their potential and leave the forge better than when they come to us. Our programs are tailored to the individual to optimize the mind, strengthen the immune system, and build a stronger body.
We believe our Strength + Conditioning programming is unique because it is designed for OUR members. The ones we see everyday. We see the way they move, how they are feeling physically and mentally, how they are handling life, the goals they are chasing. We see what they need and we get to deliver a program that meets those needs, that pushes them to be better, not just inside our walls but that they can carry into this crazy ass world. Our members CHOOSE to be at Iron Legion to be better, and we CHOOSE to develop a program that will make them the best.
“Our coaches invest a lot of time in their clients. Every step they take at Iron Legion, the leaders take it with them.”
Want to train Strength + Conditioning and become a certified badass? We’ll be waiting.