Main – WOD

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


DeFrancos Simple Six + Agile Eight


*40 Minute AMRAP Total*

-For the first 20 Minutes-

40 Partner KB Swings (#53/35)
40 Partner Weighted Sit-Ups (#20/10) SlamBalls
40 Partner Incline Clapping Push-Ups On Box (20/24″)
40 Partner Wall Balls (#20/10)

-For the next 20 Minutes-

40 Partner Box Jumps / Step Ups (24/20″)
40 Partner Pull-Ups
40 Partner Dips (Advance/Elite-Rings) (Intermediate/Beginner-Box)
40 Partner Curls (#45/15)

– After every exercise you MUST complete a 40 yard dash –