Two person Teams – guys vs. gals!!

50 thrusters with an empty bar – per person. Bar cannot touch ground during the movement. If bar touches ground – 5 burpees per team member.

Load up the bar – 115 for guy teams, 75 for girls teams. March, jog, shuffle, run 400M. If bar touches ground – 5 burpees per team member **bar must remain at hip level thru all carrys

Place bar on ground at 400m mark. Both team members hook feet under bar and do 50 sit ups per person

Pick bar up and march, jog, shuffle, run 800M. If bar touches ground – 5 burpees per person.

Place bar on ground at 1200m mark. Both team members place hands on bar and do 25 push ups to the bar. Rest position is the plank position of the push up with hands on bar. If there is any deviation from a plank rest – 5 burpees.

Pick bar up and march, jog, shuffle, run 400M (return to base). If bar touches ground – 5 burpees per person.

Both team members – 25 pull ups to complete work out!