Main – WOD
*Outside at the new box. Dress warm with layers to shed the temps will be in the low 60s but you will heat up quick. Bring your “A” game this is our first workout at the new box!
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
24 Min. AMRAP, as Teams of 3:
Squat Cleans 135/95 (Rx+ 185/135)
w/ rotating 200m Runs
Teammate #1 runs 200m while #2 and #3 perform as many squat cleans as they can–sharing a bar–while #1 runs. Once #1 returns, #2 runs while while #1 and #3 perform squat cleans, and so on. Keep rotating for the duration of the workout.
Total Score= total squat cleans + (3 x number of 200m runs)